
"Attitude is everything" - so said personal development guru Paul J Meyer. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell disagrees slightly, saying "attitude isn't everything, but it's the main thing". Our attitude is the thing that is in our control that can have the most impact on our results. And you want to know the best part? We get to choose our attitude! Our attitude isn't passed along from our previous generations. It's not a product of our circumstances - though many use circumstances as an excuse for a poor attitude. It's not chosen for us by our boss or by those around us. Your attitude is yours to choose! You get to decide if you have a positive attitude or a negative one.

Now, just because we get to choose our attitude doesn't mean it's always a simple thing to do. Some people have a naturally positive attitude, but for some it takes deliberate focus and work to change their thought process and become more of a positive thinker and have a better attitude. It's easy to let your thoughts wander to a negative mindset, or let doubt or fear creep in. But developing a positive attitude can be done, even in those that have a naturally negative outlook. Start by being aware of your thoughts. When you find yourself thinking negatively or having a poor attitude, stop yourself and deliberately change your thoughts to positive ones. It may seemed canned and forced at first (because it probably is), but do it anyway. If you do it enough, eventually your positive thoughts will naturally take over and the negative thoughts will creep in less and less. Don't give control to your negative thoughts!

Also, I said those around you don't choose your attitude for you, which is true. However, the people you put yourself around do have an affect on you, either to the positive or the negative. They do not choose for you, but they certainly can make it easier or more difficult to have a positive attitude. Surround yourself with positive people, and you are much more likely to have a positive attitude yourself. But surround yourself with negative people who complain and make excuses, and guess what? It will rub off on you as well. You become like those that you spend the most time with, so make sure you are spending your time with the right people.

If you have a naturally positive attitude, that's great! Keep it up and try to be an example for others, and try to rub off that attitude on others to help them develop that same kind of attitude. But if you struggle with keeping yourself positive, take the steps above to help you create the change you are looking for. Be aware of your thoughts, and be deliberate about changing them to positive ones. Purposefully surround yourself with others that have the attitude that you desire for yourself. It may take work, but the results and the benefits you will reap with your new found positive attitude will be well worth the effort!

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