Persistence - The Difference Maker

What's the difference between those who are successful and those who are not? Between those who get what they want and those who only want? There are many differences, such as mindset, obtaining the right knowledge, keeping a positive attitude and other attributes. But a huge factor - a difference maker - is persistence.

Persistence is carrying on when things get tough. When you fail, instead of giving up, you keep pushing forward. Persistence requires a vision; something that will drive you forward when those obstacles get in your way. With a vision of something you truly desire to see to the end, nothing can stop you. You make it your mission to get through anything to get to the other side and finish.

Here's the thing about success that most people that are not successful don't understand. They look at people that are successful and they see the final result, and only the final result. They do not see the years or decades of work and failure that were put in to get where they were. Unsuccessful people simply give up too quickly. Things get tough or they have one failure and they say to themselves that it is too hard or that they can't do it. I could go into many things to help get beyond this and help you to keep moving forward, and I will, but for now remember that persistence is what pays off in the end. You have to put in the work and be willing to keep going "until". If your destination, your vision, is anything worth achieving, you are not going to achieve it overnight, and certainly not without any bumps along the way. But anything worth achieving is worth struggling to get. When you get it, all the work it took to get there makes it worth the while. It makes the struggle not seem so bad, and it makes you appreciate it much more when you have arrived.

Persistence, never giving in, never giving up until you achieve your vision, is just one characteristic of those that are successful. But it is one you must seek to have if you want to make the most of your abilities - of which you have many. Persistence is not everything, it's not the only thing; but it is the difference maker.

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