2011 is just days away, and now is the time that people reflect upon the past year and make goals as to how to make the next year better. Upon reflecting for myself, the process led me to what will be my theme for 2011, and even beyond. That theme is this: Living Without Regret.
What does that mean? Think back over your last year or so. What have you done that you wish you hadn't done? More importantly, what have you not done that you wish you had done? This is the crux of what this theme is aimed at. Most likely, those things you think of will bring up regrets of wishing you had done something differently, or taken action when you didn't, or of passing up an opportunity instead of embracing it. No more. Live without regret.
So how do you go about achieving this theme of living without regret? It starts with looking at your choices on a daily basis. You have to recognize and be aware of when you are doing these things that are later causing you to have regret. Are you purposely avoiding talking to someone about a business opportunity? Are you putting off taking action steps to reach your business goals? When you become aware of the specific things like this that you are doing, you can make the conscious decision at that time to move beyond your fear or whatever is holding you back and just do it. You can cut off the chance of regret down the road by taking the action right away. You know if you don't do it, you will regret it. So be aware of those situations and live without regret. Don't worry about what will happen as a result of you taking action. Just know that even if it doesn't work out as planned, at least you will know that you took action on it. You can live with something not going right, but try living with the regret of never knowing because you never tried.
Now, we all have regrets, so please don't beat yourself up if you are reading this and you're thinking about all the things you wish you would have done. The past is the past. You can't change it, and dwelling on it does not solve anything. All you can do is learn from it, move on, and go from this point forward with the mindset that you are not going to let that happen anymore. You are going to take action, do those things you've been putting off, and make sure you are living in a way that you will not regret never having put forth the effort.
Here's to your 2011. Make it the best year yet. Make decisions, take action, take steps to reach your goals every day. Live without regret in 2011 and beyond.
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