What you focus on determines what you will get. Now what exactly do I mean by that? What I mean is that whatever are focusing on or spending your time thinking about, that is what you are going to end up getting back in results. This means if you are focusing your mind on positive results, you are going to achieve positive results. If you are focusing on negative results, that is what you are going to get as well.
Many people think and act and are driven by what they don't want, instead of turning it around and thinking and acting based on what they do want. The don't want to be poor, they don't want to struggle and live paycheck to paycheck, and so on. What they really need to be focusing on is what they do want instead. This is a major differentiation in thought. The positive thought process is like a rocket propelling you forward. The negative thought process is like a huge weight pulling you back. Wherever your mind is most consistantly, that's where your results are most often going to end up.
If you are thinking negatively, if you are always focused on what you don't want, it is a constant drag on your mind. You have a hard time trying to figure out how to get what you want, because you are too worried about trying not to have something rather than trying to have or achieve something. If you are spending your time and effort focused on the positive, your mind is going to be searching for solutions, and when you have a positive focus versus a negative focus, your mind has a much easier time accomplishing this task.
The negative side of this is the scarcity mindset; thoughts centered around "there isn't enough" or "I'll never be able to do this if I don't..." or "I can't afford that". These kinds of thoughts are clear signs that you are thinking with a scarcity mindset. The positive side is the abundance minset; thoughts centered around "how can I achieve this?" or "how can I afford this?". The focus is on the solution, the destination, instead of on the problem.
So when you are thinking about your goals, your plans, where you want to get in your life, think about what you want and not what you do not want. Focus on how to get where you want to go, not how to stay away from where you don't want to be. That simple shift in your thinking will make all the difference. Where your thoughts are is where you will end up.
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