Tomorrow Will Never Come

How many of us are guilty of saying to ourselves something along the lines of "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I'll start that new discipline next week, when I've had the weekend to recover"? I'd venture to say we've all had those kinds of thoughts at some point. I know I have. Here's the problem...tomorrow never comes.

You may have valid reasons for waiting to start something. Maybe you are very tired from the day, so instead of getting up an hour early to work on that side project like you plan on doing, you say to yourself that you will get the extra sleep today and then tomorrow you will start on the project. But guess what? Chances are that tomorrow you are going to be just as tired and are going to come up with the same excuse. Whatever your reasoning or excuse is for not starting today, likely it will show up again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. You can't wait for perfect circumstances to begin, and you can't ever think that you will start tomorrow. You have to start TODAY.

How long can this really go on for though? It's just one day, right? Well, since we're approaching the end of 2010, go back and look at your goals you wrote down at the beginning of the year. Are there any projects that you meant to start that you didn't? I can almost guarantee there is something you intended to do that you never did. If you don't start right away, today, then you are risking this result every time.

Not only does "tomorrow" never come, but when you put things off you also run into other issues that are going to hurt you. One of these is the "law of diminising intent". In the example above regarding your 2010 goals, I bet you really felt like you could and wanted to do those projects. But as the year went on and you never started on it, you probably didn't think about it as much, and you probably eventually got busy with other things and didn't even remember that you wanted to do it in the first place. The law of diminishing intent says that no matter how excited and prepared you are to move forward on a project, the longer you put it off, the less excited and the less likely you are to move forward on it. So when you put something important to you off, not only are you delaying the rewards you could be reaping from completing it, but you are risking never completing it at all!

So what projects are you puting off until tomorrow? What should you be doing today that you have been making excuses for not starting? Stop making excuses, stop waiting until tomorrow, and start taking action TODAY. Remember, tomorrow never comes, so stop waiting for it!

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