Winston Churchill said, "If you are going through Hell, keep going." Sometimes you have to go through some very hard things along the way to success. There will be adversity, people who don't support you and roadblocks in your way. But if you have made up your mind that you will never give up, these meerly become steps along the way.
Don't worry about any of these things that you may come accross. Remember that success is not a goal, it is a process. Yes, you have certain goals you would like to reach in order to consider yourself successful, but it is the process of reaching them that changes you into being a true success. Overcoming adversity, growing in your confidence and skills; these kinds of things come through the experiences you have while reaching your goals and becoming a success.
There is always a reason to give up. You don't have enough time, nothing seems to be working, it's easier to give up than it is to keep going. With all the reasons to give up, you must fight to look for reasons to keep going. Look up Charles "Tremendous" Jones' "Stickability is Tremendous". He talks about the human mind, and how just because you want to quit, it doesn't mean you have to quit. I love one of his quotes when he's talking about this. He says that even once he became successful he still wanted to quit. Then he realize he didn't really want to quit, he just wanted to want to quit. It's quite a concept.
This all comes down to one basic idea. "It's not whether you get knocked down; It's whether you get up." (Vince Lombardi). Even when you get "knocked down" and feel like quitting, get back up and keep going. Keep moving towards your goals, and never give in the the thoughts that you should quit.
Quitters never reach their potential. Only those who perservere and go through the difficult times will see the rewards. Keep your focus on those rewards so you know what you are fighting for. Never, never, never quit. You can only really fail if you give up and quit.

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