There are many types of fears that people may face. The fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of what others may think or say and the fear of rejection. These are just a few of the major fears that people have. It is often very difficult to overcome these fears. Many times they are ingrained into us over years of experience, self-talk and our surroundings. However, just because it is hard to overcome your fears does not mean you should submit to them. Why live life in fear? Sure it will be hard to change it, but wouldn't it be better to face and defeat your fears, rather than living the rest of your life crippled by it?
It will probably be very uncomfortable during the process of conquering your fears. In order to conquer them, you must face them. There is no way around it. You cannot expect your fears to go away by avoiding what you are afraid of. Whether it is rejection or failure, you must stand up to your fear in order to overcome it. Stop worrying! Most of what you are afraid of will never happen. But because your mind focuses on the negative possibilities you steer clear of any of those situations. Shift your mind to the positive possibilities.
Also, realize that even if something "negative" happens, so what? What happens if you do fail? Take that failure, learn from it and try again. It will only make you stronger. What happens if you are rejected? So what? Don't take it personal (it usually isn't anyway) and move on. Ask yourself "what's the worst thing that can happen?" and then ask "will I really be any worse off if that worst possibility comes to pass?" The answer to that second question will most likely be "no".
A lot of this comes down to your self-talk. What are you saying to yourself daily, and what do you say to yourself regarding your fears? Nobody can make you feel a certain way, so don't make the excuse that you feel bad because of someone else. Never blame your circumstances or other people. It will get you nowhere. It's not what someone says or does to you that makes you feel a certain way, it's your response to what they say that is critical. If someone says something negative to you and your response is "they are right. I can't do this" that is your response to what they are saying. But if your response is "they don't really know me or what I am doing. I know I can do this and that is just their opinion" then the "negative" experience will not effect you. It is not what someones says to you that matters, it is what you say to yourself that makes the difference.
Facing and overcoming your fears can be one of the most challenging things you will ever do. But when you come out the other side, and you are no longer held back by your fears always wondering "what if I wasn't afraid to do this?" you will find freedom. Don't let fear hold you back from what you are capable of. Take control. Do what you are afraid of, and you will soon be afraid no more. "Courage is not the absense of fear. It is acting in spite of it." (Mark Twain)
Face your fears. Achieve your dreams. UPW gets you there.
I have found that a great way to overcome a lot of common fears and grow personally is through network marketing. With network marketing, you are forced to face a lot of these fears, but you are not alone. You have the support of your team and those who have made it through those things themselves. They will help you to get past the fear and be successful. Make sure you join a company with not only great products, but great leadership and integrity to help you along to success. If you would like more information on one such company that provides great services, has amazing leadership and a proven system go to
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