Communication is a constantly evolving piece of society. Just look at how far we've come in the last few decades. From written correspondence and phone conversations to social media and texting. These changes certainly make communication more convenient. But does that also mean that it's as effective?
Communication style and means will continue to evolve, but one thing will always remain the same: personal, face to face conversation is the highest form of communication, and is what gets the best and most rewarding results. With all the new and upcoming ways to "check in", chat and communicate without ever uttering a word out loud, the art form of face to face communication is slowly getting pushed to the background. Yet, this type of communication, if harnessed, practiced and perfected, will always yield the best results. We are still in a relationship based society, and face to face communication automatically puts you in the higher category of those you interact with on a daily basis. Why? Because it's becoming more and more rare to actually take the time to sit down with someone in person. When someone takes the time to actually meet in person and focus on and show genuine interest in them, it can almost come as a shock. By the way, talking to them while constantly checking your phone does not count as personal, one on one communication. If you are distracted, you might as well not even be there. But focused, personal time with someone can build the relationships, whether business or personal, that last and create mutual benefit.
Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not saying there is no place for social media, texting or the like. I certainly use these tools on a regular basis. But they're just that; they're tools. They're not meant as a replacement for personal communication. The point is that you can't let those things replace personal contact and building relationships the "old fashioned" way. As technology becomes even more ingrained in our culture, "face time" will become even more important. If you master the art of personal communication, it will be increasingly easier to set yourself apart from everyone else. In my opinion, taking this personal approach as it becomes more and more "obsolete" in the eyes of the tech world is actually the greatest opportunity of our day and of the upcoming years ahead of us. No matter what other new forms of communication keep coming out, embrace the personal, in-person approach and you will be embracing the key to unlock greater potential in your business, your personal relationships and your own personal fulfillment.
"The problem with communication is the illusion that is has occurred." -George Bernard Shaw
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