Too many people don't do what they are more than capable of doing simply because they do not want to take the risk. It may be the risk of losing money, hurting a relationship, or just the risk of failing that holds them back. Whatever has held you back in the past, don't let it hold you any longer. Everything that is percieved as a "risk" has a fear with it, but there is no reason to let that hold you back from accomplishing everything you want.
Everything in life holds risk, whether you recognize it or not. You could get in your car this morning and get in an accident, and it could be all over. I'm not trying to be morbid or negative, it's just a fact that anything you do holds a risk of some kind. If you are doing something, you are risking something. The only way to completely avoid risk is to do nothing, which isn't living. You could even say that you are risking by doing nothing because of the consequences that could have on your mind and body.
What you have to remember is that as soon as you consider doing something, your mind goes to work to create all the possible scenarios that could happen. Your imagination is at it's worst here, coming up with all kinds of reasons why you shouldn't do something and all the bad things that could happen. Mark Twain is quoted as saying "I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened". We can worry ourselves to death about what could happen but most likely will not; and those are the things that we let talk us out of doing something that is potentially "risky" but can have huge rewards in our lives. Don't let what may or may not happen stop you from moving forward.
Jim Rohn has said "The same walls that keep out disappointment keep out happiness. Take the Risk." We can try to protect ourselves from disappointment, but we will never gain happiness by doing so. Only by taking risk and attempting to reach our potential can we accomplish happiness and true success. The fact is that we are never going to keep out disappointment anyway. I would rather fail, be disappointed, and learn from it than never try and be disappointed at my lack of effort, wondering what could have been.
Step back and take a look at what is holding you back from taking a risk in your life that you know you should take. Whatever it is, own it and move forward. Don't let those things hold you back. Move forward in spite of the fear or the negative talk in your head. Take the risk. My bet is you'll be happy you did.
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