With the new year always comes new intentions, new goals and a fresh start to go after them. If you are struggling with setting your 2010 goals, here are a few ideas to get you headed in the right direction.
10 Things For 2010:
- Spend More Intentional Time With Family - Plan time to spend with your family without any distractions, especially work or business related.
- Give of Yourself - Whether it's volunteering with an organization or at your church, make 2010 a year where you give of yourself by serving others. Not only will you be a blessing to those who you help, you will also get an incredible sense of satisfaction as well.
- Increase Your Income - Become more valuable at your job, increase your business or add an additional stream of income.
- Try Something New - Get out of your comfort zone and do something you've never done before.
- Be More Conscious of Your Health - Forget the lose 20 pounds and gain it back in a month diets. Make a lifestyle change by changing your eating habits and incorporating a workout into your schedule. Even a 10-15 minute workout 3-4 times a week can pay huge dividends.
- Take a Vacation - I know, this one's a tough sell. Vacations reduce stress and give a great chance for new experiences with family and friends. Don't go crazy if you can't afford something huge. Just plan a way to get away. There are lots of cheap travel options that are still tons of fun and super relaxing.
- Verbalize Your Appreciation - Don't assume people know that you appreciate them for what they do or who they are in your life. Even if you know that they know, it's still nice (and necessary) for them to hear it come out of your mouth.
- Read More - You can never read too much. There's so much knowledge out there, and it's all compiled and easy for you to access. All you have to do is go find it and take the time to read it.
- Do Something Every Day to Get Closer to Reaching Your Goals - Keep your eye on the prize and focused on the big picture, but remember that small, daily steps are what add up to reaching your biggest dreams.
- Make 2010 a Stepping-Stone to 2011 - Make 2010 great, and plan to have whatever you do this year set up for an even greater 2011 and beyond.
Sadly, most that make new years resolutions have by this point already fallen off track. Don't just make resolutions. They are made on hopes and wishes, not on commitment and decision. Make a conscious decision on the things that you will do this year, and the things that will change in your life. Only when you have truly decided and committed will you be able to persevere when the going gets tough or you get tempted to fall off track or quit. Here's to your success in 2010!